domingo, mayo 19, 2024

In Guanajuato, Senior Citizens of the Rincón de Tamayo Gerontological Center in Celaya celebrate their annual posada / @jmendozamarquez @municipiocelaya >>>

#Celaya, #Gto.- Dozens of seniors who attend the Gerontological Center located in Rincón de Tamayo celebrated their posada with laughter, traditional songs and delicious dishes to kick off the Christmas festivities.

The president of the Board of Trustees of the DIF Celaya System, Rosa María Suárez de Mendoza, Señora Rosita, attended this celebration and said she was grateful to the community of seniors for being part of this reactivation of annual events, cancelled for two years as a result of the pandemic.

«As we all know, this is a month of celebration, a month to remember that the most important thing we have is the family, and in DIF Celaya we are very happy to be able to share again and now in person, these significant dates. This is a good time to thank the work that has been done within the coordination of the elderly, which would not be what it is without the participation of each of you,» he said and extended the message for more adults to join the activities.

The Rincón de Tamayo Gerontological Center provides care to an average of 50 adults daily, who come from different communities such as El Puesto, Michinelas, Juan Martín, Santa Anita, among others.

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